Our client in Queensland approached us to create a unique design where the building itself would amplify the natural healing process of our mind, body and spirit. This was to be conceived through a cellular design approach, encompassing scared geometry.
The sacred geometric spiral forms the basis of the building. The guests are guided from the entry through the spiral as they traverse to the centre and as a metaphor for life, journey inwards to self.
Sustainability was a priority for the client and to be ‘at one’ with the surrounding environment and nature. A landscaped green sod roof was designed as a viewing platform for enjoying the beautiful bush surrounds as well as a breakout space and for contemplation. External but within the geometric spiral is an internal oration pit, used for giving talks and debates. The inward focused activities are paired in the design focus with the outward looking sleeping areas of the retreat that offer privacy whilst expanding out with views onto the bushland. Healing activities offered at the retreat include organic cooking presentations with a tailored eating approach, kinesiology, yoga, synergistic sharing exercises though metaphysical bridges, light and sound healing in a safe and nurturing environment.
The project was placed on hold due to the complications of Covid, but we are anticipating a return to the further design development and Development Application process shortly.