Architecture Projects

Prior to the formation of Archisoul 10 years ago, the practice began as Jo Gillies Architect. Jo’s experience spans over 25 years, covering new and major renovation homes, units, small commercial and health/ healing centres. The areas serviced were from Sydney’s Northern Beaches, Lower North Shore, Sydney, Regional NSW as well as Brisbane and Agnes Water/1770 in Queensland with other projects across the world. Budgets range from $200,000 to $20 Million.

A green design focus such as passive principles, are always undertaken in a rigorous site and parameter assessment analysis. The spirit or ether of a home is zero-point energy in the quantum field. Expressing that spirit is an intuitive process based on our three core values. Igniting the soul of a home is paramount to the end result.

Request a consultation with the Director or Associate Architect

Complete your basic details and Archisoul will call to discuss your project. If agreed will organise a site visit, plus provide a detailed scope and fee proposal.